nation of pussies = bleak future???
You know your day's pretty fucked up when you wake up and switch on the laptop, only to know that your sister had forgotten to close her internet explorer window and you come face to face or rather, face to screen with this :-

What the fuck's a cluby? The poster gives you the statement that if one is sweet, cool, cute and handsome, one is welcomed to join the club. Before you can even go "I wanna join!!" they come at you with a NO FAKER!!
This is so unfortunate. Back in the 90s there were worries that the "yellow" or Western culture was promoting aggressive and violent behaviour among our teens. TV programmes with swear words and murderings were taken off the air. The Black Metal/Satanic Morons/I-rather-drink-goat's-blood-than-water movement was in the news every other day back then.
But now, there is a different culture in town. One that turns guys who wanna murder into crying pussies. One that turns guys who listen to Satanic Rock to gays who listen to sappy love songs. This is of course, the new generation of teens who tune in to MTV every other day to worship Jay Wanker Chou, the teens who rather spend money on beauty products and clothes instead of saving up, the very teens who cry when they watch Korean, Taiwan and Japanese dramas. In other words, the post-modern gay Asian culture has invaded our country.
So I continued exploring the page. Unfortunately, I had to printscreen the pictures because I wasn't allowed to right click and copy, or I will be labelled as a faker.

The window at the center says "No right click! Are u trying to fake ppl?"
No, I'm not trying to fucking fake PEOPLE asshole. I'm just trying to put all this bullshit in my blog so more PEOPLE would realise what stupid dicks our teens have become because of their exposure to homo Asian culture which almost every other time depicts guys as pussies with hair flying all over the place and girls with extra large eye balls. So below are some printscreened pics of guys with pussies and girls with extra large eye balls :-

Do click on the pics for an enlarged version. See, at that time, they were having some competition to select the guy-whom-real-men-would-wanna-choke and the girl-whom-real-men-would-wanna-feed-to-the-crocs. The further I scrolled down the more depressed I felt. Are these the same people who will be running and leading our country in the future? This cannot be. It was just a few years ago that teens were termed as too violent and now...? case you don't know. To be accepted as a part of the gay Asian culture, you have to be pretty much pretty, handsome, cool,cute and sweet, which when translated to normal people speak, means :-
pretty :- as long as you look like a prostitute
handsome :- as long as you look like a girl
cool :- as long as you have big eyes
cute :- as long as you don't have any trace of facial hair
sweet :- as long as you suck dicks

You see, anytime you open an Asian celebrity gossip magazine, you will be surrounded by pictures of clean-shaven, big eyed, homosexual guys and also big eyed girls who dress up like prostitutes, who collectively, probably have sucked more dicks than the whole female population of the world. I think the term "lala mui and chai" is used here but who gives a shit? Then teenagers, being superbly dumb, will follow exactly what their favourite celebrities eat,dress and do, because they have no life of their own and would mimic the same gay-ness and hence, a nation of pussies is born.

If this trend continues, I am afraid that Darwin's theory of natural selection might come true. I can not remember the exact definition of Darwin's theory but it is more along the lines of the ever famous phrase, "Survival of the fittest". It is not that I am saying that these homos would survive longer than the average men, it is just that, since every other guy is either converting or is already a homo, the race of the real men are dying out. And as we know, pussies breed more pussies and soon, we will be, as I have mentioned earlier, a nation of pussies.

Look at the girl above? Is it even possible that one have eyes as big as that? It is out of proportion with the face. But ahhh...there's a secret to that. Last night while I was watching the Discovery channel, learning new things instead of crying over some gay Asian drama, I caught this programme called Poison. One segment explained that women have used chemicals since the Renaissance period which when applied to the eyes, would make it look bigger and hence, improving the beauty of the certain woman.
I couldn't remember the name of the chemical, so I googled it and found this site
An excerpt goes :-
Studies have shown that humans (especially females) are judged as more attractive if their pupils are wide open and more dilated than normal. The name Belladonna (beautiful lady) comes from the fabled use of the juices of the Nightshade plant by Italian women who would use eyedrops made from an extract of the plant in their eyes in order to enlarge their pupils and make their eyes appear more beautiful. In some cases gradual blindness has occurred through the overuse and abuse of belladonna to enhance the beauty of the eyes.

Argghh...I can't take anymore of this bullshit. There're plenty more pics of these motherfuckers a.k.a. the downfall of society. Go check it out if you're interested.
As for me, I will continue to be the fat, unshaven, dirty ass that I have been since ever. Nobody will change me and I will not change for anybody and I do not wish to change anybody. Let us hope that this gay Asian trend would move over as fast as the yellow culture. Who knows what culture would come up next? Perhaps something better? Perhaps something worse? All I know is I can't wait to be a dad. So that if ever my son/daughter decide to adopt the gay Asian culture or as a matter of fact, any culture which would make me look like I did a bad job as a father, I would slap him/her across the face. No...seriously. I can't wait to slap a teenager. It'd be tonnes and tonnes of fun!!! Because most teens can't shut the hell up, slapping a teen would rule!!
Teen :- have a beard.
Me :- *slaps the teen across the face*
Teen :- Why did you do that?
Me :- *slaps the teen across the face*
Teen :- Are you looking for a fight?
Me :- *slaps the teen across the face*
Teen :- *starts crying* I hate you
Me :- *slaps the teen across the face*
Teen :- I hope you die
Me :- SHUT THE HELL UP BITCH *slaps the teen across the face*