I was reading the newspapers earlier when I finally realised why I find it hard to come up with new topics to blog. There was this article in The Star by some guy whom I can't remember the name and am too lazy to go through the papers again to find out. I just remembered his surname was Wong.
He stated that Malaysians are becoming a boring and less humorous lot because of the concept of "political correctness" which first started out in the USA. That means, if we make jokes about races, we're a racist. If we make jokes about the opposite sex, we're a sexist. And funnily enough if we make jokes about the homosexuals, we're a homophobic (that's for you gays in UTAR..hahahaha..you know who I mean). In other words, we have to becareful when we speak or crack jokes so as not to hurt the group we are making fun of...that is, if they happened to hear us. Obviously, Mr Wong isn't very happy about this and guess what...so am I. I guess I have been trying to tone down on the way I blog because I was afraid of offending or hurting some people. Well you know what? Fuck that.
I'm going to start off first with those people who are complaining about the 10 cent hike in the price of a plate of roti canai. FUCK YOU! It's only 10 bloody cents, assholes. You can walk around Bukit Bintang for 10 minutes and yet collect enough 10 cents to start a bloody coin collection. Didn't the government just raised the salaries of civil servants? But who are increasing the revenue of the mamaks? The 10 cent hike is fucking justifiable since wheat flour now has gone up by 15 cents a kilo. But less you forget, to prepare a plate of roti canai with a bowl of curry takes a lot of work. Why should the mamaks be on standby 24 hours a day just so they can earn 80 fucking cents from you?
I'm amazed how people can complain so much even if the price of roti canai goes up to 90 cents. Let me do a simple calculation for you.
Assume one has a piece of roti canai for 3 of one's daily meals.
Using the old pricing :- 3 x 80 cents = 2.40 a day x 30 = 72.00 a month
Using the new pricing :- 3 x 90 cents = 2.70 a day x 30 = 81.00 a month
A rise of 9 bucks...9 fucking bucks!! Under the government scheme, the poorest groups of civil servants will receive a pay rise of several hundred ringgit(if I'm not mistaken 200-400). Plus the government has increased the cost of living allowance by 100%. So now, you fucking political correct bastards can not say that a price hike in roti canai would be a burden on the poorer groups. I'm sure they don't even eat roti canai for their 3 meals so why complain?
Next on the agenda, Paris Hilton. I'm sure you guys know that I hate her and that she makes my blood boils everytime she appears on the papers. So you had no idea how happy I was when I read that she was going to spend 40 something days in jail, which unfortunately, had been reduced to 20 something days on the grounds of good conduct. Good conduct? GOOD CONDUCT??!?!?!? Since when does Paris Fucking Hilton and Good Conduct go hand in hand? Here is someone who has broken the law and yet had her sentence halved because apparently, she behaved well. Last I heard, she's trying to appeal to the state governer(who happens to be that guy from Terminator) to abolish her sentence. NOT FUCKING FAIR! Why should Arnold give a flying fuck about Paris? I swear to god if Swashbucklerburger abolishes her sentence, I would hold a sacrificial ritual where I denounce my faith in Arnold and burn the Terminator DVD box set that I bought.
Unfortunately that's it for now. Getting sleepy. Will continue another time.
Who does know John Tan, man?
John Tan is the Mother of all Gays...
He is so powerful that, if he calls someone is gay, that person should better not resist, as he can call his gay members to "gay-bang" anyone...
yo..what's with ur hot boiling dramatic post here?
just another crap hole utarian
hot and dramatic are the ways i used to post...just going back to my old self..that's all...
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