Nowadays, it seems like children are being used as an excuse for people with too much free time to spread their false propaganda around the world. Oh look, don't mind the fact that it was us who polluted the earth in the first place, let's now protect the environment for the sake of our children. Oh no, kids getting obese? Throw away the fact that it was the government that allowed the sprouting up of fast food restaurants in the first place. Now, let's ban the bloody advertisements.
Look people. Will you please stop trying to protect the children now? First off, they don't care about the bloody environment and I bet they'd rather be obese then say, forced to dine on organic biscuits made and recycled from human faeces, for the rest of their lives. Nobody did the same during my generation. The generation before me didn't bother about the environment and hence, the extinction of several species of plants and animals and dinosaurs which are wickedly cool. So, if the generation before me didn't bother about us (my generation), why the fuck should I bother about the future generation?
I do not know why people are so protective about their children nowadays. Truthfully, I'd rather get shot in the head then to have children...perhaps something I might regret saying when the time comes but who cares. Yes, children are cute, children are lovely. But if I had children, I would gladly sell them off to researchers for them to conduct medical experiments, and put that money into my "Ferrari F430 Fund", which currently stands at 6 cents.
Now a doesn't cry in the middle of the night just because it pooped its pants. It doesn't go rebellious and demand for freedom. What it does is it takes you from 0-96kph in 3.9 seconds and all the way to a heart thumping top speed of 318kph. What it does is it turns your life from stressful and depressed to exciting and bewildering with just a turn of a key. Having kids however is just the exact opposite of owning a Ferrari. So you do the math and you tell me what you think.

You know what irks me even more. People trying to get smoking banned......because it is hazardous ONLY to the children it seems. Somehow the notion that second hand smoke is unhealthy for regular adults did not quite get the attention it warranted but, with the addition of children being harmed by second hand smoke, people actually took notice. These are the same high class people who drive around in SUVs which incidentally pollutes more than a stick of cigarette, and can also tell you to save the environment in a straight face, all while sipping a bowl of shark's fin soup.
Do you really want to know why all these "save the environment campaigns" and "ban smoking campaigns" failed? Because ordinary people like you and me, don't really give a fuck. We as humans, or more particularly Malaysians, are calculative to the last ringgit. If the above campaigns do not benefit us financial wise, why should we even bother...right? So this I can tell, that the government's plan of banning junk food advertisements will not reduce the rate of obesity. The govenment is only contradicting themselves. Yes, they will ban advertisements but at the same time they will allow even more fast food restaurants to open up. So what fucking difference does it make?
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