I know I know. I haven't been posting for a while now and that's because I'm too lazy.Only reason I'm writing now is to talk about the few movies I've watched in the past few months. In my last post, I complained that the movie Transformers had nancy-boy action scenes and the gun/fist fights would have rivaled the ones in The Teletubbies.
However, following that, Die Hard 4.0 was released. I came out of the cinema with my face smashed in. That's right. There were so many explosions, gun fights, car chase scenes and action that I had to download the movie off the net and watched it for another 5 times before I could take everything in. I swear to god that within 5 minutes of the show there were already explosions. And not your pansy-boy hand grenades...it was a C4 explosion. And whoever said that Maggie Q is hot, oh well, let's just say that you and me can never be friends.
Following that, I watched the movie 300 which was downloaded. I love the movie to bits. Not because of the many half naked guys with 6-pack abs which would have given a homosexual a hardon (this is for you, JC and Yap...hahaha) but because there was so much slashing and chopping that you can easily see arms and heads and legs flying about.
After that, due to some arrangements which I have forgotten, I caught the movie Enchanted. You heard me right. Enchanted...the Disney princess, musical, feel good movie. Only problem is I didn't feel good. I swear to god I would have slept through the whole movie if it wasn't for tits. You didn't read wrong. Tits. You know...Titties, boobies, fun bags, milk bags, twin turbo, breasts, twin towers, spotlights, or whatever you call it. Those 2 bags of fat. It all sounds wrong when a girl tells you that her tits are only just 2 bags of fat. Be it 2 bags of fat or 2 bags of silicon, we guys still love titties. Here's the princess of the movie in a typical scene:
Apparently, it is very normal to see Disney princesses in hot revealing outfits. Such examples include:

The cartoon version of the princess from Enchanted.
Need I say more?

See how Aladdin is scoping some cleavage while the blue dude and the monkey can't get enough of ass...

7-star pornography if you know what I mean...
Now I know the reason why I loved Disney cartoons so much when I was young. It was not the story line. It was not the funny dialog (if there is any). It was because of the tits. Hot princesses with tits. You can't go wrong with that. You would think that Disney being a family-oriented company would produce films with princesses with more conservative clothings. I know of some people who have told me to grow up and accept the fact that it's the 21st century and a little flesh shown around is common.
Let's do some maths. If you are telling me that it is acceptable to show a little flesh as it is already the 21st century, you are giving the notion that it is acceptable to wear less and show more as the years progress. Assuming that the amount of clothes and the time frame can be made into a graph, we would have:
In simpler terms, we are making a big U-turn in terms of clothing. As time progresses people will start to wear less and show more until they reach a stage, aptly named the stone-age, where people will be seen walking around with only leaves covering their privates. Anyways, who makes up all these rules anyways? About it's okay to show more cos it's the 21st century...
By the way, if you turn the parental control thingy on Yahoo off like I always do, you can easily find Disney porn in Yahoo images by typing simple words like "Disney, Ariel, Sleeping beauty etc." This brings the question...what kind of sick mother fucker enjoys Disney porn?
Moving on, the latest movie I watched was Rambo. Seriously, if I could make one movie the most potong stim movie in the world, it would have to be Rambo. I'm not saying the movie is bad. The movie is good. Too good in fact. There was so much violence and gore that it could have turned a gay man straight. Problem is, it is a little too short. It keeps you wanting for more. The climax where Rambo shoots everyone's heads, legs and arms off with a mounted machine gun was great. And being an avid Rambo fan, I was hoping that he would jump into the fray and start chopping and slicing baddies like he used to do in the last 3 Rambos. However it stops at the machine gun. Oh well.
You know you can't go wrong when you have a poster of Rambo with a parang in it.
I can't really remember the other movies I have watched. I'm sure there're a lot more. Will keep you guys updated. Cheerio.