She turns 2...and other unrelated stuff...
See I've been busy these past couple of a weeks, what with all the midterms and assignments and all that shit I have to do just so I can obain a 30-40 percentage from my overall final marks in order to increase my grade point average so as to obtain a useless degree which will most probably land me a low-paying job working 12 hours a day for an unknown company only to know that you won't go far in life as bosses nowadays refuse to see one's actual capability but instead rely too much on that white piece of trash paper they call a degree. Did I mention my degree was useless?? Did I mention I was going to wipe my ass with that degree??
Anyways, on the 14th of July, my baby turned two...
Yay...Happy Birthday!!
It is a good thing I got it pasted as soon as possible, as till today, I've already been through 2 JPJ/Police road blocks. And I was only travelling to and from uni. The second road block was even better. I was stopped at 3.30am. Just a hundred meters from my apartment. There'll be the usual skeptics going "Aiya...JPJ no money, want cari makan again...". But I say "Fuck you...if you abide by the law, they can't do anything to you no matter what. What cari makan? They're only upholding the bloody law. So renew your road tax already..."
Back to my baby...there'll always be several adventures which will be forever etched in my mind...
How can I forget revving my baby all the way to 6.5k rpm on the very first day that I got her?? Some say I'm harming her by not running in the engine properly but I say screw you.
How can I forget going 160kph on the Penang Bridge and more recently, along Jalan Tun Razak in KL?? I know it's not fast but it's the best she can do and I'm still happy...
How can I forget getting my first kiss from my dear, Cynthia, in my baby?? *winkz*
How can I forget cruising around nearly 3 quarters of KL?? It's a bloody waste of petrol but it's all for discovering new places...
How can I forget going around the mountains in Teluk Bahang?? I'm not fast but still...there's the thrill...
And more recently, how can I forget going all the way to Genting just to take a piss?? No hotel stay, no themepark rides, no Starbucks. Just a quick piss...
Most importantly, how can I forget going around Gurney Drive with my brothers Derek, Rene, Victor, Anthony and Alan, rolling down the windows and shouting and laughing at the people there. Eventually we got caught by a certain Inspector Chee. Being caught by the police and being labelled by them as monkeys from trees rule!!! I will never forget this for the rest of my life...
This is how she looks like from the inside now...

no those are not a digital and an analog clock...duhhh...turbo timer and vacumm meter

In an unrelated issue, there was this news in the newspaper today about a guy who died moments after being robbed by 2 men. He was slashed with parangs and guess what? This happened around the area I'm living in. And guess what again? I happened to pass by the scene yesterday. No, I didn't know it was a robbery case and yes the guy was still pretty much alive when I passed through. Not wanting to be a kaypo, I continued on and only knew about his death hours later. And guess what yet again?? It's the Hungry Ghost Month. What a time to leave the world. May God bless him wherever he is now and I hope the 2 men will get fucked by sex-hungry homosexual dogs while bending over to pick up a one cent coin(Derek...sorry bro...stole your line..haha..)
In another unrelated issue, I happend to chance upon these funny looking biscuits when I bought a whole tin of assorted biscuits recently.

smiley face biscuits!!

They look weird but they sure as hell taste damn good. Makes me feel guilty of eating something which looks so....ermm....happy....
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