I'm starting to realise how much I hate rich artsy-fartsy bastards. You see, while I was going through the papers the other day, I came across an article about a Picasso painting being auctioned off at a starting price of USD50 million. As if to piss us poor people even further, the painting made the newspapers again 2 days later, this time being bought at a final price of USD95 million. Converted to Malaysian currency at the current exchange rate that would translate into RM332.5 million.
Lord Christ! RM332.5 million! Am I the only one who sees something wrong here? Why are people dumb enough to pay so much cash for a painting by some unknown cock? Sure the guy became famous through word of mouth but seriously, how many of you guys out there have seen a Picasso painting without exclaiming "Now that's some fucked up shit"? I'm not kidding. I have pics to prove it.
Now that's some fucked up shit. Who are these people forking out RM332.5 mils for this pile of poo? I wouldn't even part with RM3.32 for this for I think the money is better spent on a Double Cheese Burger. This painting is the stuff that nightmares are made of. Check out the ghostly-vampiric hands. If this picture were to be shown to some 5 year old kid, he'd cry and shit his pants. Hell I'd shit my pants too if I were to part with 332.5 mil for this painting. In fact I'd rather get electrocuted than hang this crap in my living room. Check out the face man.
If the above doesn't send shivers down your spine, I don't know what will. The first time I saw it in the newspapers, I couldn't sleep for days. I had to visit a brain surgeon so I could get my brain vacumned and thus making me forget about that scary piece of shit. Man, I hate art. Both old and modern art. These so called famous artists seems to be making millions by just shitting paint out from their assholes all over the canvas. I used to love art and I used to draw a lot but then I turned 5. And video games were all that mattered at that age.
I can still hardly believe someone would actually pay enough money to buy an island or two for this crap. I could have drawn so much better than that but would anyone pay me USD95 mils? ?NoooOOooOOoo...no way. Why not? Well here's a hint. My name doesn't starts with a "P" and ends with "icasso". Another one from Picasso :-
Can you believe people call this art? Those status-seeking rich fat fucks buy ugly stuff like this to show off to their friends. "Hey look...I got a Picasso". And his friends would start patting him on the back whilst showing their admiration for him. In case you don't know, this is a way to suck up to him so that if ever that rich fuck should meet an untimely end, at least a few of his millions would be passed down to his friends, including this cock-of-a-painting so that the new holder of this painting can start boasting again to his own clique of friends who then start sucking up to him to get his millions but will never get any attention from normal people like us because we hate Picasso to begin with and the only way we're ever gonna get his millions is by killing him. Oh and selling that god-awful painting.
Also included here is my own painting. Look at the vibrant colours. Look at Mr. Sun smiling. For it is a sunny day indeed and me kicking Picasso in the ass would have brought a smile to anyone, sun included. Now where's my USD95 mils?? Damn it man...

hey hock hin.
felt bored n wandered thru ur blog.
good to c u still updatin it regularly.
hv lost interest in the bloggin world lately.
so where r u now?
wat u studyin? (hope u studyin mechanik or sth wiv cars!)
emel me stm.
no dude...i'm still doing chem at UTAR...Juz realised I can't achieve my dream of being a mechanic...Oh well...life can't always go your way can it? ahahaha...
so r u still plannin to finish that degree?
i read from ur earlier entries tat ur dad could sponsor ur dream biznez for u.
is it too late 4 tat?
or workin in a mekanik shop to get xperience?
u can make ur dream come true if u believe u can do it! tats wat i think.
really sad u cant do wat u want.
hope in future u wont look back n regret at ur decision la.
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