Monday, June 12, 2006

Women are hornier than men

Ladies and gentlemen. Finally, I have come up with a theory that proves women are hornier than men. Yes. You read right. I am talking about horniness, pervertness, hamsap-ness or whatever you want to call it.

See the other day a couple of my friends were discussing. Discussing about why men are always labelled as perverts when they talk about sex openly. About why men can talk about sex openly and women can't. About why women act all goody-goody when in fact they're as wild in bed. About whether a man's horniness level is indeed higher. Why? We ask ourselves. Well, I thought about it and seriously, it all comes down to general knowledge, a little information about Biology and a couple of basic and simple Mathematics. For those who get easily bored with scientific bullshit, hear me out. Seriously, this is a good one.

You see. Men and women are born equal. Besides the difference in the sexual organs, men and women share similar traits. Both have hands and feet. Both have hair. Both have eyes and ears and a nose. Both have assholes. Both have mouths. Oh yeah...there will be times when some unwanted birth defect would cause a person to be born with an asshole in the place of the mouth. Most people would call them weird but I'd prefer to call them shit talkers. They absolutely love to talk shit and it would take a dildo the size of a horse's penis to stuff and shut their mouths...arrr...I meant assholes...whichever suits you.

Back to the subject proper, another thing that differs men from women is in the genes. You see, the genes that make up a man are the X and Y genes while it is the X and another X gene that makes up a woman. So basically :-

X + Y = XY = man
X + X = XX = woman

Now here we assume that horniness exists in both men and women. So what gene is the common gene that both men and women have? That is right. The X gene. So if men, with their XY genes is labelled as horny, would women with their XX genes be labelled as extra horny? You see it's simple. The X gene carries the horniness in us. So :-

X(horny gene) + Y = XY = horny man
X(horny gene) + X(horny gene) = XX = double horny woman

And BAM!! I have just proven that women are indeed hornier than men. Of course there will be scientific nerds coming up to me, telling me that my theory is wrong. They would argue that maybe, just maybe, it is the Y gene that is the horny gene. Wait a tick. So if I were to put it in a mathematical equation again, wouldn't it look like this?

X + Y(horny gene) = XY = horny man
X + X = XX = plain and simple woman with no horniness level?

No, you assholes! If only the Y gene carries the horniness level in a person, that means women, with their XX genes are labelled as not horny? So where the hell do all the kids come from if women aren't horny? Can you imagine a world without horny women?? There would be no children. No prostitues. No pornography. No free sex. No sex buddies. The world would consist of men running around butt fucking each other...which is sick.

Man I can't believe I've actually derived an equation for a person's horniness. They should give me a Nobel or something. Teachers used to tell me that what I learnt, I will apply in my life. So there you go. It's simple yet absolutely brilliant. So the next time a woman comes up to you with a disgusted look when you're talking about sex openly, please kindly remind her of the X gene which is the horny gene and the equation :-

X(horny) + X(horny) = XX = super horny

And a small message to the women. If you're ever feeling horny(can't blame's in your genes) you know where to find me.

This post is not to demean women.

Like I care.
I'll continue with Part 2 of the car review thingy another day.


Blogger Sham Kamarul said...

You should be awarded a nobel! All of a sudden, I think Y genes will represents a genius traits. That's why man have been long time in dominating the world

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your theory is correct, then women would have double everything as compared to men (traits shared by both sexes). For example, substitute horniness with intelligence. Men and women both have intelligence - according to your reasoning intelligence would then be carried by the X chromosome (yes, X and Y are not genes but chromosomes containing lots and lots of genes). Since women have two X chromosomes they would be twice as intelligent?
You shouldn't be awarded a Nobel prize, but rather sent back to school for some more biology classes...

12:30 AM  

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