Thursday, February 03, 2005

Hmmm..the weird things people search for

Hmmm...wonder if you guys ever checked this out before..but there's a column in friendster which shows the popular searches in my network...I'm presuming that when they mean "my network", they mean my friends... are the top 10

1)japanese gurls-whoever it was who was searching for this,I salute you...I love japanese chicks too...but maybe if you try spelling gurls as girls, you might actually hit more results....stupid fool

2)unusual romantic gifts-Usually, unusual romantic gifts would cost a bomb..unless it's hand-made or you're loaded with cash to begin with. For the el-cheapos around(me included), I'd go for a bouquet of flowers(from my own garden), a box of chocolates(left-overs from last year) and maybe a roti canai dinner at the local mamak.Am I kidding? But of course =)

3)singapore upskirts-Hmm...I'm still wondering about this one...Why Singapore? Do the women there wear more colourful undies than other women in the world? Hmmm....

4)做愛,步驟-No idea what this means...

5)蔡依林走光-I don't know chinese

6)自拍裸照-Les no speakes zee chineses

7)kissing tips-This is a lame search...Can you actually get better at kissing by reading about it? Wouldn't doing the real thing help? Learn from experience lar..If the tips tell you to stick your toungue down your partner's throat while poking his/her eyeballs...would you do it?

8)zodiac love match-Never believe in zodiacs...They're just a bunch of crap...Woooo...You're gonna strike it rich(never happened to me)...You're gonna die tomorrow(still alive buddy)...You're gonna make fun about zodiacs in your blog(Errrr....)...So if your zodiac says that you only can love an ox(taurus), would you actually go around town looking for a match? Or would you just find BULLshit....

9)free mp3 bad comment for this one...I do it all the time...but hell please go get kazaa or warez or something...It would save you a lot of trouble *NOTE* -the poster is not advertising for both kazaa and warez-

10)trisha bathing clip-Who the hell's trisha? And why would anyone want to see her bathing? God knows what she might be doing in the bathroom("bake cake"...snipping nose hair...shaving armpits....yucks). Looks like there're a lot more sickos out there than I thought.


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