Dirty posting...Yucks
I opened the door and stepped inside...I made myself comfortable...
I inserted my *ehem* into her hole...twist it a bit...and she came to life with a low groan
Grabbing her tightly with both hands, I pushed and she started moaning, not loud, but can be heard clearly...
My arms were sweaty by now(excited ma)...
I maneuvered her with both hands, all the while pushing her...
She got into various positions with ease, all the while moaning slightly
Time for the climax!!! I pushed unto her with all my might and her moans grew and grew...
Finally, I stopped and her moanings grew soft...I removed my *ehem* and she layed still....fatigued after a long session...hmmm...just another "work-out" for me....

-the "her"...hehehe..-

-If you're wondering...the *ehem* is the car key and the pushing is me flooring the accelerator to the floor...What else did you guys think it would be? Hmmm? haha....Cheerio-
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