Tuesday, February 01, 2005

*Gasp* The Knights Templar were no metrosexuals

We've heard a lot about the Knights Templar through books...say...a certain da Vinci Code and through movies....National Treasure!! Ring a bell?
Here's a little history lesson for those who are still in the dark about what I'm talking about

The Knights Templar were a monastic military order formed at the end of the First Crusade with the mandate of protecting Christian pilgrims on route to the Holy Land. The Templars fought along side King Richard I (Richard The Lion Hearted) and other Crusaders in the battles for the Holy Lands.In either case, the Order met with a rather untimely demise at the hands of the Pope and the King of France in 1307 and by 1314

Back to the subject proper, while browsing through the rich history of the Knights Templar, I came across this little piece of evidence that the Knights were no metrosexuals.

In a day when a Knights hair flowed long the Templars wore their hair short but were forbidden to cut their beards. To the Moslems facial hair was equated with masculinity, therefore the Templars masculine appearance was said to intimidate their enemies.

There you go. So man with facial hair are masculine...while those with none aren't(*nudge nudge* eh Z *wink wink* =D)

-The above information on the Knights Templar were gathered from the website, http://www.templarhistory.com Hope you all enjoy it as much as I do....Cheerio-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea mate.. keep the beard ...fork those forkers w/o facial hair mate!!

8:43 AM  
Blogger slacker said...

ehhh....thanx mate...me 1st comment...hahaha...thanx again

8:53 AM  

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