Of the disappearance of the Rain God

-Red Indian Rain Dance?-

Hmmm....It seems that our good old friend, the Rain God has gone AWOL(absent without leave)...
It didn't rain for the past few weeks....It didn't make things any better as Malaysia is one hot-as-hell country...
Side-effects of dry weather include:-
1) sweating profusely with no strainous activities involved
2) lost of sleep due to uncomfortness
3) dehydration
4) cold drinks warming up at unbelievable speeds
5) car interior heated to extraordinary temperatures
So what do we do? As the picture above shows....Get your lazy ass off your seat, make like a red indian and do the rain dance....Cheerio...
-To this date, the poster has performed rain dances for 3 times without any effect...The poster might take to cursing and swearing to the Rain God if this predicament persists-
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