Finally, the sem has come to an end. There is still the final exams but seriously...who gives a shit? So it's that time of the sem again where we are required to do a survey conducted by our university to evaluate the performance of the lecturers and whether the subjects we studied this sem were useful or just plain-jane rubbish. Well actually, I couldn't be bothered but there's this lecturer literally begging us to complete the survey. So I kept my survery short and sweet, well, sort of.
Evaluation of Subjects
1)Kinetics, Mechanisms and Stereochemistry
Comment :- Utter rubbish
2)Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry
Comment :- Desperately boring
3)Spectroscopy and Chromatography
Comment :- Sleep inducing
4)Environmental Science and Technology
Comment :- Cow dung
5)Chemistry Laboratory 3
Comment :- Dreadfully useless
6)Management Principles
Comment :- Like I could be bothered
Evaluation of Lecturers
1) Dr. A -> Kinetics
Comment :- If I had a time machine, I would gladly go back in time to remind myself not to take up the chemistry course because I have never felt as bored as I was in Dr. A's class ever in my life.
2)Dr.B -> Mechanisms and Stereochemistry
Comment :- If you noticed properly, you could actually see a couple of guys, well, one actually, sleeping in class at the back of the lecture hall. That would be me.
3)Dr.C -> Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry
Comment :- I can hardly remember the last time I stayed awake long enough to actually understand what was going on in class.
4)Dr.D -> Spectroscopy and Chromatography
Comment :- Aside from being possibly the biggest ever whining cry-baby, I must say, I actually understood what was being taught.
5)Dr.E -> Environmental Science and Technology
Comment :- Every night for the past 13 weeks, I cried myself to sleep, knowing that I had to wake up early in the morning only to attend Dr. E's class.
6)Dr.F -> Chemistry Laboratory 3
Comment :- none actually.
So there you have it. I've blocked out the lecturers' names just in case one of them happens to be your family member or your distant cousin. However, if you really do have relatives like these, you should just shoot yourself in the head. And now on to my own personal survey about the university. I've done a couple of these in the past, but I just can't help but do it again. I love blasting my own university.
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Comments :- Well I've got lots actually.
First off, car parks. The university is actually well funded with it's exuberant RM5k per sem fees, and perhaps sponsorship from the MCA(Malaysian Chinese Association) and other Chinese companies. You'd think they would actually provide perhaps a wee little bit more parking lots than they already do. But noooooooo, they insist we park outside the university. Thanks to my university, I have on my otherwise clean record, these :-

three in 1's a new record

I even sent an email to the dean of the university telling him about my plight but the reply he gave me was, well, to put it more politely, the word starts with a S and ends with hit. And I quote from his email :-
"City Hall seems to encourage students to use motorcycles and public transport. To make sureto get a car park, some staff, including me, come as early as 6 something before7. This way you will be sure of getting a car park in Taman Bunga Raya. Also,many staff use public transport, campus bus, LRT and walking. These are someways to overcome the problem. From our experience students and staff faceparking problems everywhere including TAR College, Universiti Malaya, our PJcampus, Bandar Sg. Long campus, etc. and also overseas universities where I hadworked."
There you have it. A small part of his email, unedited and untouched. You would notice how some words like "before7", "someways", "faceparking","PJcampus" and "hadworked" are all joined together. There is a way to overcome this problem and it is called a spacebar. City Hall encourages student's to use motorcycles and transports? City Hall officers consists of fat Malay blokes who could not be bothered trying to earn their own money in a proper way(say, going to work?) to sustain their needs for nasi lemak and instead have to issue summons to unfortunate people(like me) who had to park outside of the university to get to class because the university is full of crap and couldn't arrange for more parking lots to be allocated.
And then pretty much everything from here consists of about how much I think the people here sucks ass and about how much this university blows. Somebody called me a racist because I once said I hated Chinese people. Now this matter can sort of be related to coffee. You have expressos, mochas, cappucinos, kopi-0 kaos and such. Sure the cappucino has a more pungent aroma and the kopi-o kao is well, thick but that's the thing you see. You know you can't live without coffee. You just have to show your preference of which one you like better. Same goes to the Chinese. I hate Chinese people who stare at you when they find out you can't speak in Chinese. It's like as if they've seen a ghost. I hate Chinese people who speaks Chinese among themselves, knowing full well I have no clue what they're saying. And I hate Chinese who laugh at you for being a so called "banana", whatever that means. But then I love Chinese who can cook good food. I love Chinese who can speak English and who are outgoing and love to hang out. I love Chinese who do not discriminate you for who you are. Heck, I love those Chinese in the porno videos. So there you go. You can't say I'm a racist because I hate SOME of them. It's like saying I hate coffee because I don't drink white coffee. Sure I hate the Chinese but probably only about a third of the population anyway. Is that so big a deal?
Words cannot describe how much I hate my university. To conclude this survey, I will say that for the one and a half years that I have been here, the only good thing I can think of is that I will be out of this place in, well, another one and a half years time.
So, anyway, this concludes tonight's post. And I apologise for the lack of updates. I'm still young, I'm still fresh and I've got plenty of things to do. Now where have I kept that Chinese porno video?
Someone pointed out that I forgot to evaluate on the performance for the lecturers for the Management Principle subject. Actually, I haven't forgotten really. The only reason I didn't include them in the survery above is because I couldn't be bothered to attend Management class and therefore have absolutely no idea about the performance of the lecturers.
good to c ur update.
msia uni really sucks.
i hv a similar 'racist' problem since i came 2 nz. I v.hate the Chinese from China. Yes, I can speak mandarin, but i just can't take their accent. They hv bad manners too.
i agree a lot of chinese are inconsiderate (me incl.). like i speak hokkien when indians/malays r around. etc.
anyway, u hang in there for 1.5 yr! at least u know (maybe) u'll be somewhere better when u finish uni.... n err... hv fun with ur chinese movies.
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