Friday, April 22, 2005

Being flamed is fun(Part 2)

I suggest you read PART 1 of this trilogy before reading the below...

The first to reply to my message was Kok Meng....
No flamable material in the message...I salute you for being patient with me man...
The below is the message...

The one thing we must realise is that we do not have a female class
representative that is able to influence the female half of our
class. If only we have one influential girl going, maybe then there
will be more attending this reunion. From what I heard only 2 girls
are going for the reunion, which is a very small number in our
female predominant class. It all comes down to the management and
organisation of the farewell committee that could have done better
if they were given more time. So there are no one to blame in this
case, really, because in such a short time frame, I don't think
anyone can come up with a flawless plan. For now, I think its good
enough given the fact that the committee are working so hard to make
it happen. Its really all about the spirit, not who's going or not.

K M Teoh

to which my reply was...

I beg to differ...I do not see anything wrong with the management of
the reunion as the date was clearly stated a week or more before the
real thing...I admit that there were a few obstacles along the way but
1 week is more than enough time...we had our class farewell last year
and it was all arranged in a week..remember?? And it still went
great... I don't think the time factor can be counted in...

As for the female influential figure...I admit that this is quite
true...but truthfully...who do you think our class's influential girl
is?? Whoever she is, she surely deserves a slap across the
face...Because of her alone, no other girl is going?? And will the rest
stuff themselves with crap if that influential figure is doing the
same?? well...i guess so...who knows...

Truth be told the spirit will definitely be affected by who's going or
not...My spirits were high when I heard about the reunion but now it is
at an ultimate low since I heard that Arts and former students will be
attending........some reunion...

But then...a man's meat is another man's poison...we all have different
opinions...hahahaha...and this discussion is too fun cause I get to
diss people whom I've never had the courage to do before...looking
forward to the "tembak-ing" or opinions from you and the other
guys...damn..this is fun....

=don't send me hate mail...just kiss my arse=


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