ma leh...lizard infestation???
Crap lar....the other day while I was gonna cook instant noodles for my supper at 3am, I must had encountered a mass lizard sex orgy or something...
Blardy hell...I could see clearly about 5-6 lizards all stuck on the ceiling...
Doing what I don't know lar...But I assume they were humping each other or maybe they just wanna join me in watching the football game lar(Bayern against Chelsea...Chelsea through to semis...Go fark yourselves you Nazi scum...)
The ordeal didn't end there as when I reached into the kitchen cabinet to grab my packet of instant noodles...I could see another 2-3 lizards clinging to the side of the cupboards...
They immediately ran off....and I was already damn friggin disgusted....
I opened the second kitchen cabinet to grab the pot and there again...I saw a blardy lizard crawling out of the pot that I was gonna use to cook my noodles...
Kanneh...I blardy turned off....
Can't imagine myself eating noodles with lizard flavour in it...
For all you know that very same pot might had been the lizard's love bed....or some meeting place to discuss how to annoy the heck out of me...
Ma leh..Had to wash the freakin pot all over again...
Soaped the pot for bout 2343102 times....
And all that while I could hear them lizards making their lizard noises "chit chit chit chit chit"...
They must be either laughing their freakin tails off or the female lizards are moaning from all that humping...Farking horny reptiles...
Forced myself to eat without thinking bout them lizards...
Felt thirsty so went to get a drink...
Ley ma...I actually saw a lizard crawling among the cups on the cups holder...
I whipped out my shotgun and blew away the nasty reptile(fiction)
Felt that the drink ain't that important instead...resorted to drinking straight from the tap.. cups...just turned on the tap and drank from the running water...
Rather get a stomach ache than drink down some lizard poo poo....
As I was about to go back up to my room...I could still see the same 5-6 lizards stuck on the ceiling...
They weren't doing anything lar...
Just blardy sitting there doing nothing...
Fine...I admit..I might had invaded their privacy...
Who knows...they might had been practicing the kama sutra up there...
Kama Sutra Chapter 12, Page 115 :- Humping upside down stuck to ceiling brings pleasure to both male and female....
*SIDE NOTE* Stop all humping when privacy is invaded....Resume humping when hungry human has eaten and gone back to room...Happy humping.....
The other day while coming back from the PC Fair(yawnn...boring...yawn..) I saw a lizard clinging on to Rene's car's side view mirror(Clean your car lar Rene...blardy Safari in your car man...).
The little guy's kinda brave lar...
Rene was going about 110kph dee and the lizard fella was still clinging on....
Took a snapshot as a rememberence(I got down from the car and whacked the holy hell out of the lizard with my sandals...nawww...I'm just kidding...Will probably get fucked by some animal activist group for doing that)

little guy clinging for his life...

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