Drunk Wars:- Revenge of the drunkards....coming to a club near you...
Aikssss...check out the pic...Looks like somebody had a wee too little bit to drink...but I don't blame him la...
Out of 4 people who drank that night...3 returned semi drunk(or extremely drunk as in the guy in the pic's case)...
How did we get this drunk??? I don't know...As in the guy in the pic's case...he had bout 10 glasses before he started vomitting(in the club itself..yucks..it was chicken burger and fries all over the dance floor) and passed out right on the spot...
I don't know..Maybe he was depressed over his STPM results...I know I was(I failed...Yippie)...
As in my case...well...I'm sort of the bring-on-the-good-stuff guy...You know...as in when I've tried something good...I'll just keep wanting more...
My 1st glass of whiskey(mix with coke) was...ooooooo.....how should I put it....nice but could be better...
I didn't want to drink THAT much because my purpose of going to the clubs was just to check out the many(or the lack of) chicks that night...
As there weren't too many at that time(11-ish) I kept on drinking...and by the 7-8th glass...I was feeling...a wee little bit light headed...
Pile on the cigars...and all I could see were stars and blury lights and moving shadows....
Pile on the Marlboros and I couldn't even stand without supporting myself by holding onto the table...
Jesus...the stuff smokes and alcohol do to your body!! Amazing...
I was so drunk that when a chick approached me(Yeah..I can't believe it either) I couldn't even make out a single word she was saying...
All I could hear was a female voice...but no words which I could recognise....
Heck..maybe it wasn't me being drunk..maybe it was her...foreigner perhaps?? I don't know...
Chick :- Hi...what's ur name??
Me :- ***What the hell is she saying???***
Chick :- Hello...are you okay??
Me :- ***Bismillah-irahman-irahim...Assalamulaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh*** Jesus...woman...are you speaking Islamic to me???
Chick :- ***LEAVES***
I remembered leaving the club in a semi-drunken state....and I was to drive them all back to the apartment(Will's grandpa's place)???
Jesus...that'd be cool....So...in my half drunken state I drove...
Did I get into any accidents?? No
Was it cool?? Hell yeah....
Back at the apartment...vomitted twice...slept and the next morning...back to home...pretending to be as sober as I can(If mom ever finds out bout this she'll kill me)
By the way there're 2 more bottles of whiskey(I had 2 smuggle 1 back home...not telling you guys where I hid it though) left...any takers???
Shall we be drunk during our reunion night?? Anyone??

our one and only drunken master...bro...colgate is for the teeth lar...

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