Edu fair
This post is late again...I'm having GLOW syndrome...or other wise known as Getting Lazy Of Writing syndrome...Yeah...I can't find the inspiration to write anymore...Basically since I'm still on brain is still on power-off mode...I'm so lazy to think up of new stuff to write......And thinking up of topics to write in the blog is kinda taxing on the brain too...
Anyways...enough of the complains...Went to the Education Fair held at PISA on Sunday with me mates(Adrian Chan and Derek Ho...kan ley ma puki la..hahahha)....Met up with 2 more mates(Zack and Yan..sup bros)...
Basically the whole event was shit.....I learnt almost nothing there....The college I was looking for(Institut Teknikal Jepun-Malaysia) was a no-show and the chicks there were *yawn yawn* could be better la...Some of the exhibitors had put on quite a nice exhibit I must say...KDU and DISTED were looking good...but our el-cheapo local Universities were crap...Tsk tsk tsk....very disappointing.....
What next...oh yeah..the announcer...Something must be wrong with him because whenever he wanted to announce something...he would turn the volume to MAX...and most of the time he would be giving us a fright...It was sure damn hell funny to see the chicks and aunties there jump with fright whenever the announcements came on...they would then start to pat their know...the way people do to calm themselves down...I don't know why but I felt like laughing out loud whenever this happened...Anyway...I don't exactly support the announcer giving the public a if I ever find out where he's making his announcements, I'll be there in a jiffy to shove his microphone up his arse.....hohoho...
Next...we went for a small meal at Kassim Mustafa...before heading off to Adrian's house...It was pay day...and his Minister of Home Affairs(His Aunty) was about to lay a fat load of money for him...After being equipped with cash..we proceeded to Gurney(again?? sienz...) to stock up on some food and drinks...We were going to watch the Carling Cup Final at his place....hehehe...started scoping chicks again....The Honda F1 models were still gorgeous...yum yum....
In the car park...we turned into "tu-kau"(uneducated) mode...we would roll down the windows and shout profanities at the top of our lungs....well...not me la...Those 2(Adrian and Derek) did....I'm the good boy driving the car..hahahhahaa...but it was sure damn funny to hear the echos of the profanities...hahahaha....they would even wave and say "hello" whenever we drive past a group of girls...ahhhh...the fun of being uneducated...wakakkakaka
*NOTE* Profanities = bad words and bad phrases
After that it was on for the Carling Cup...Chelsea won...which was quite obvious from the entertaining match...entertaining all the way to the final whistle...during halftime we walked to the coffeeshop nearby to stock up on more food...At the same time...we also did a different kind of "stocking" when we visited the VCD shop nearby..hahahhaa..wanna know what "stock" I'm talking about?? all should know la...haha
Anyways...that's pretty much it...Monday and today are not worth mentioning...I was at home both are some pics from Sunday....Cheerio....

nice girl in orange...hmmm...

err....the kemayan girl...

fine ass

green...derek's ass on the left....hahahhaa



derek says kinky...adrian says fat...I say yeeeeeee.....

evo8...location:- Gurney underground carpark...

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