Wah lahhhhhh...This is the best damn birthday I've ever had larrrr....
The plan was set...We would check-in into a hotel....the Crown Prince Hotel that is...
Then we would waste some time...and by was time to head down to the clubs...damnnnnn good...
The day started out at and me mate(Adrian) checked in into the hotel...
Since it was too damn early we headed off to Island Plaza and soon met up with another mate(Rene) there...
A little info on Island Plaza...It used to be one of the most popular shopping malls around...
Unfortunately with the closure of its anchor tenant(Super Tanjung), the place is now like a shit-hole...
There're only a few stores around...Also there're only 2-3 stalls left in the food court...Even the cinemas had closed down....
Ahhh...the slow demise of the once proud Island Plaza....I shall always remember the good times I spent in there...May it rest in peace and lead a better life next time...
After that, we went off to fetch another mate(Derek) and went back to the hotel for a rest...Rene went back to his place...
About roughly half an hour late, another mate(Victor) showed up and after cleaning and washing up, we met up with another mate(Meng) and headed to a nearby food court for dinner...
Hmmmm....RM3.50 for a plate of fried rice...with nearly zero ingredients and lots of oil...Eww...
After dinner, Derek and Victor went to 7-11 to buy some cigars...Tsk tsk tsk...please la...don't spoil your lungs la brothers...
After that...we headed down to Gurney Plaza to waste more time...Before long, we were joined up with another mate(Alex) and we met up with Rene, Meng and Chin Loon outside the night club...Yeah...We gonna masuk night club...wooooo hooooooooooo... We met up with Choon Hau inside the club too...
DAMN EXCITED!!! That was the feeling...I could hear my heart beating in accordance to the bass of the music...DAMN KEAT!! The place was jam-packed...Guys and gals....but let's concentrate on the girls ya??
WAH LAHHH....was what I could say...All the girls there were....*OUCH* *sizzle sizzle* HOT HOT HOT!!!!
And since the place was soooooooooooooo packed, you can't blame me if I happened to bump into the girls...
It wasn't my fault!!! They bumped into me!!!! Fine...I wanted to be bumped too...and...I sort of like bumping into girls too...wooooooo....
More on the girls...not only were they sexily dressed and causing me to drool non-stop...they were also "feng tau-ing"(shaking head) like mad...Okay..they weren't on ecstasy or anything...I think...but they were all dancing and moving their nose-bleed-inducing bodies so much can't keep me eyes off them lar...but then I have to la...cause the other good part bout that night was the booze...Beers, Chivas-cokes and even cigars(remember 7-11??) were all part of the good stuff that night...
BAPUK ALERT!!! Okay..we were enjoying watching this group of girls dancing in front of us when suddenly a few young-fucks butted in and stole the show...I have no idea how but before long...the girls were dancing with the guys...leaving the rest of us with no blardy chicks...1 of the chicks even started to perform a lap dance...Want to know more?? Read on...Don't want to know?? Skip this paragraph...LAP DANCE :- Okay..the girl was basically rubbing her privates against the guy's laps...not on purpose la...she was sort of like dancing with the guy's thigh in between hers....
Later on..more girls came..and more bapuks came to snatch the chicks too...SHIT...was damn pissed...
Me :- Lots of not-on-purpose body contacts...Lots of chicks looking this shit...
Derek :- Chicks looking at him but snatched by some bapuks... Lots of body contacts too...
Adrian :- Rejected by 2 girls(Awwwww....hahahha...) and also had chicks snatched by bapuks...
Rene :- Lots of not-on-purpose or on-purpose body contacts..hahaha...nearly got a gal but snatched by bapuk..
Victor :- Lots of not-on-purpose or on-purpose body contacts....
Alex :- Lots of not-on-purpose body contacts...
Chin Loon :- Holy-soul of the group..stood away from chicks..preventing any body contacts..good on u mate...
Meng :- 2nd holy-soul of the group..also stood away from chicks...with no body contacts..
Choon Hau :- 3rd holy-soul of the group...stood away from chicks but was more busy drinking....
The whole thing ended about 3 something in the morning....After that we went to Khaleel for a little drink...Basically we were sort of dehydrated because we were sweating like hell and too "kiam"(stingy) to spend more on know la..nightclubs...they overcharge....
*P.S. A great big THANK YOU to Boon Wooi for bringing us in for free...You the man Boon..hahahaahaa's back to the hotel for some sleep...
Next morning...went for breakfast with Derek and Adrian....before heading to 1stop to lepak around...
We(only Adrian 2 were diabaikan..haha) were approached by a sales-girl promoting contact lenses...
Before long, we chatted her up and soon got her name(Tifferny) and number(won't be telling...its between us 3 only..hahahaha)...incredible...
Back family took me out for dinner...They suggested this fine-dining place called Mr.Ho's...just somewhere near Northam Hotel....The food was WOW...simply incredible...
Their speciality was this RM75 dish....which included roast pork belly(sio bak), pork sausages, pork knuckles and many more....
I got a birthday cake, an Initial D vcd from my siblings and a big red packet from me parents...Awww....thanx guys....anyways...20 already this year...getting ALLLLLL me mates...Love u guys la...Let's hang out some time...
To the mates who hanged out with me at the night club...let's go again mates!!!! arrghhh!!!
To the mates who didn't get to go to the night club...let's go also larr!!! you'll love it bros!!! hahahahahhahaa...Cheerio.....

he's smiling now...but he wasn't when he was rejected twice....wakakkakakakaka

derek....leaving hotel room for night club...woo hooo..

left to right...victor, adrian and alex

hot babe...

rene dancing near a hot babe...

adrian sleeping...or wanking??

birthday cake!!!!

birthday prezzies..

Din realise ur bday yday! anyway, happy belated bday orr!! glad u had such a good and memorable bday.
ehhhh...thanx was a good day...i love chicks...wooo hooooooooooo
really cant believe u guys went to brothels! damn brave u guys!haha! juz felt a bit curious u din mention (i think) wat ur gf did 4 u durin ur bday. (PS. err...does ur gf visit ur blog?some of ur contents like very 18sx leh..)
bro..when u come back here we'll show u a good time man..hahaha...ermm...really hope she's not reading this too...or else sure kena bantai like hell...praying now...pray 4 me too bro..hahahha
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