Stupidity at its upmost best...
They say a picture paints a thousand words....and I can definitely rant on for more than a thousand words about the pic below...but I'll save you guys the boredom and get straight to the point...
This pic was taken at...Guess...try and guess....
Can't get it yet?? elevator....for CHRIST'S SAKE...AN ELEVATOR!!!
Whoooooo in their freaking monkey mind would leave a whole pile of Mc'D wrappers and cups at the corner of an elevator?????
My God man...I've seen piss and cigarette boxes...heck even used condoms...but a 1st for me...
Okay...I don't live in an basically using elevators is not in my daily routine....but arrghhh....Mc'D??? Seriously...only a monkey will buy a whole pile of food from Mc'D, sit in the corner of the elevator, munch on the food and leave the garbage behind...
Heck...there's so much food there that there must be at least 2-3 of them monkeys...I don't know...
I was just damn pissed to see the stupidity and ignorance of people nowadays...
So...did I help throw away the garbage?? HECK NO....I'm not clearing up another jackass's mess....Even though it pains me to know that the maintainence workers have to pick it up the next morning...but no way am I helping to clear garbage thrown(or left) by a monkey....
On a more serious note...perhaps the food was deliberately left there for the spirits...I mean...this pic was taken during the Cheng Beng season...not hungry ghost...but whatever la...same same kua...
Maybe some dude who liked Mc'D very much had a heart seizure(probably overdose of Big Macs) and died in the elevator....Maybe it was his 123456789th anniversary of his death and his family members had bought a whole pile of Mc'D just to satisfy the hunger of his spirit...
I don't know..I was too drunk to even think about spirits...I was lucky that I wasn't drunk enough to actually go through that pile of garbage in search of free food(Yeah there's free stuff in the world now)...Anyways...maybe guys in apartments with elevators would like to share what weird shit they had encountered before??? Piss is a norm in elevators...Heck I would even piss in an elevator...if only they didn't have that CCTV with gay Malay security guards watching(kidding of course)...

I just don't know what else to say...Bon apetit?

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