Went for a ronda again as usual...Nothing much for today...Just a lot of family men bringing their family for a drive...which also means a lot more slow drivers around...
Fuhh..speaking of family man...today I saw something that nearly made me piss in my pants...
I was behind this Toyota Unser...and we were travelling at say 80kph...At the crossroads ahead I could see a Naza Ria on the left of the crossroads which was waiting at the junction, about to cross the road....
As me and the Unser moved on...the Ria suddenly shot across the road and we had to brake like mad...
I could swear that the Unser and Ria was this close :-

there u go...

The Unser was lucky that it had ABS(it has right??) and could brake easily before hitting the Ria...
I on the other hand was even luckier that I had stayed a long distance behind the Unser and thus got to avoid a wheel-lock which might result in me sliding and hitting the Unser at the back....I was stunned shit and I headed home immediately...for now...I have a fear of family men in big cars....
Ria driver :- Hah...Unser 1.8??? My Ria 2.0 more powerful *shoots across the road*
Unser driver :- LEY MAH *brakes like shit*
Me :- Makahai chao cibai *brakes hard but trying to avoid wheel-lock*
Children in Ria :- Daddy...what the fuck you trying to do??
Children in Unser :- Daddy...Go fuck that Ria driver..
Okay...Maybe I've gone a bit nuts cause I nearly lost my life today...I still can't get the scene out of my head...I gotta get myself a new car...FORD RANGER...I'LL JUST RAM THE 2 MOTHERFUCKERS OFF THE ROAD....WAKAKAKAKAKAA ****siao siao siao siao siao siao siao siao siao**** On to the next agenda....
Wah lahhh....Damn chio man...I spotted 2 "ang mohs"(english men) riding mini bikes today at batu ferringi...
They looked damn funny but I was more interested in the bikes...
SOOOOOOoooooo small and yet powerful...Can overtake my car somemore...That's why they ended up at the front of my car..just like the pic below...
More on the bikes...not only is it small..it's also LOUD!!!
It puts my car's muffler to shame....
And I think it operates only on 1 gear...because I could hear easily how the bike was dragging on...
Shit...Anyone interested for a go at these bikes??? Hook me up cause I sure wanna try...

"ang moh" on mini bike...

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