Long long time ago when I was small and chubby,
My parents always talk to me in English, so very easy,
They never teach me Mandarin li,
Cause nobody in Penang speak, afterward people think you silly,
I go to school everyday, also speak the England only,
I got take Mandarin class last time,but in the end tak jadi.
Last time in Penang I always talk English with my buddy,
So happy cause we share here share there while enjoy kopi,
But now I come KL...nobody understand me,
Nobody here speak the England,I feel like mati,
And they always think I am orang asing like Bangkali,
"I cannot speak Mandarin", I tell the kopi tiam aunty,
She so stunned, look at me face so funny.
Got many new people in university,very happy,
But they always speak Mandarin, habis la me,
I try to speak to them in English, say Hieeee,
They look at me, then turn away, abaikan me,
I sit at there, look at the wall and "soak hun khee"(smoking),
But all think I am background, think I am like tree,
I always tulan, go ambil kereta lari, while scream PUKI.
Girl look at me think I am weirdo lelaki,
Know I don't know Mandarin but still wan speak that to me,
They cannot accept that "wo pu huay jiang hua yee"(I don't know mandarin),
Summore nowsaday my English sudah teruk like monkey,
Suppose to say He but I say She, must say She I say He,
Summore I write story, not funny already,
I make jokes, but nobody laugh with me,
Cause they don't know English jokes, all Cina lagi.
Go restaurant order food but tak boleh jadi,
The menu all in Chinese, how to order the roasted babi??
So pai seh must call my friend order for me,
Best place is go mamak order kopi and roti,
I very tired of this place already,
Lucky the semester going to habis satu bulan lagi,
At least I can go home and see my family,
And find my friends so together drink kopi.
But still, I have some good friend here with me,
They always support me although I bu huay jiang hua yee,
They are William,Fatcat,Yap Hong,Chor,Siang and JC,
They are now my saviours in this foreign-like country,
Names not in order 1 okie?
So JC if u reading this, your name last cause must rhyme, poem li,
Got many more good friends but hard to say all,so sorry,
Cause I running out of idea and rhymes, want end my story.
So I will end my story,
I know today story not funny,
Cause I no mood, simply cakap nonsense li,
Conclusion:- No, I will not learn Mandarin lagi,
Although this means I will mati,
But fuck, I don't give a shit, puki,
If my father didn't learn Mandarin, so will me,
Like my father, I will not teach my children Mandarin, I lazy,
If they suffer, I tell them don't need worry,
As long as your English powderful, you can make money already,
As long you make money, your life very comfortable I guarantee.
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