Sorry all...Going for a long long vacation...
Just got the game that I've been waiting so long for...GRAN TURISMO 4!!!!
And at the same time..just got a new 1.5 horsepower air-cond installed....DAMN COLD!!!
Sorry mates...
I'm going to lock myself in my room for the next few weeks...
I've just bought my stash of food :- beer, shandy, snacks and bread...
Don't bother calling or sending me any messages...I just threw my mobile out the window....
Don't bother visiting me...cause you're just going to be turned away....
Don't bother telling me you want to play a 2 player game of GRAN TURISMO...I'm not sharing...back off!!!
Don't bother kicking my room door down to reach me...cause I'll just kick you out of the window...
Don't bother telling my parents about me....They already know...
Don't complain about how I smell...Won't be bathing anytime soon...
Don't be jealous...just go get the game...
Don't be concerned about concerned that you're missing out on the game...
Don't tempt me with chicks...I still love cars more than girls...
Don't attempt to switch off the electric current...I'll burn you alive...
Don't curse me behind my back....I can't hear you...
Don't curse me loudly...I'll kill you...
Don't pay me to get out of my room.....use the money for more beers...
Will only be going out of the room under these conditions :- pissing and shitting....
The last time this happend was in 2002...when I just got GRAN TURISMO 3....
Played 5 hours daily...and that was during my SPM wonder my SPM results produced crap...
Now that I'm freaking jobless and doing no-shit at home....I'll be playing 24/7....
No more distractions...So I'll be seeing you guys...maybe a few days or weeks or years later...who knows......So...Enjoy the pics below...Cheerio...

new 1.5 horsepower aircond...very powerful

the game itself...WORSHIP IT!!! GRAN TURISMO 4!!!!!

my rations for the next few days...

BMW M5!!!!

Aston Martn....DB9!!

drifting with a Honda Civic....EK9 TYPE R!!!!

EVO 8!!!


Skyline GTR.....R34!!!

Nah...I'm just kidding...I'll still be back to blog as often as I can...but then...half my day will still be reserved for GT4.....GT4.....GT4.....GT4.....GT4.....
Where's the pic of my Subaru Impreza?! I want Impreza! We want Impreza! We Want Impreza!
Impreza and more cars coming up soon bro...2nite will post it...i think..hahaha...
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