Nothing much for today I'm afraid....
Arrrghhh...Fatigue fatigue....Was playing GT4 all the way till 7 in the morning....
Had only 5 hours of sleep before I had to go on the road to fetch me siblings from school...
But it was all worth it....I've got plenty more pics over here...
On the road...saw another RX-8...Red far I've seen 2 in Penang itself...
This ain't fair..These sissies can't even drive to save their life and yet they're driving 200+ bhp cars...
Its a pity cause I'm damn sure that these cars will never be pushed to their limit...what a damned DAMNED waste....
Again on the road...met with a cock-up Kancil who gladly overtook everyone waiting at the traffic lights and ran pass the RED LIGHTS!!!
As usual...I chased the buggerio down and took a pic of HER's a SHE...DAMNED WOMAN DRIVERS!!!
Me :- *waiting at traffic lights* Hmm...that chick looks nice...
Woman :- *overtakes the long line of traffic and drives pass the red lights*
Me :- KANNNNN ley ma chao cibai....*chases woman when traffic lights turn green and takes a photo*
The following part is made up....haha...
Woman :- *spots my car tailgating and speeds up*
Me :- You want to run?? *speeds up with 1 hand holding camera, 1 hand holding gearstick and using knees to steer*
Woman :- Wooo...Who's that sexy hunk(HAHAHAHA) chasing me?? *speeds up more*
Me :- Kanneh...So fast for what??
Woman :- *slows down and drifts through the corner*
Me :- WAHHH!!! QUEEN OF DRIFT!!! *drifts through corner also and overtakes her car* *rolls down the window and spits out of the window*
Woman :- *swirves to avoid spit but loses control of car and car flips 223342343109439 rounds and lands on its back*

rx-8...I so bloody love the twin tailpipes....

Guilty as charged...Bang red lights...Do I get a reward if I send this to the police? Hmmm

The below are more GT4 pics....enjoy...

Skyline GTR



sky view of Impreza


drifting my "darling" supra...FOR REAL!!! check out the tyre smoke at the side...




NSX again...

NSX Type-R

That's all for today...Cheerio...
Brother, you're the man! Thanks for the Impreza pics, really love it.
You'll love it even more if you can get the game...FUHHHHH!!!!
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