Jeng jeng jeng jeng!!! Introducing......Siew Men!!!
At a distance far far away,
Lives a girl,studying in the USA,
Children of all ages, ladies and gentlemen,
May I present to you.....'tong tong tong chang'....Ong Siew Men!!!
Hahaha...How's that for your intro?
Ok or not?Hope you like it wo,
Study hard to be Malaysia's future dietician,
And don't eat too much "ang tau s'ng"(ais kacang)!!
Everytime chat with her time sure to terbang,
Everytime look at late?
Do crazy things like chat and draw ais kacang,
Aisay...where to find a friend so great? hard and don't waste your education,
It's just 2 more years only till graduation!!
Do your best and let god do the rest!!
Take care, good luck and all the best!!!
Okay...I only know Siew Men for like long already ar?
Donno lo....its like a very long time but she always says a short while nia.....
Hmmm...She's very nice to chat to lo....and also a good listener....
And sometimes....kinda funny too..hehehhe.....
Then....errmmm....ahahaha...doing lots of crazy things....
Like what? Drawing ais kacang on yahoo messenger....hahaha...
Below is the pic that we drew(actually she drew 1...not my doing...hahaha)

errrr....ais kacang?

Hahaha...Just wanna apologise to Siew Men if I happened to offend her...No more next time okie? ehehhe
Anyway...all the best for your studies...Take carez ya...Cheerio...
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