Wednesday, February 16, 2005

CONSTANTINE!!! and other news for the 16th of February...

Went to watch Constantine today with me mates(Zack and Yan...wut's up brothers?)...
No spoilers you can read on....
What have I to say? Woooo....nice effects and wooooo....what's the story again? Confusing...
Anyways the movie is sort of advertisement to refrain from smoking...
Weird but true...
You'll have to watch the movie for yourself to find out what I mean....haha.....
Anyway the cinema was very cold.....And with a jumbo sized Cola on the side...DAMN!!!
Cold until I could feel my piss freezing...hahaha...not true this 1...

Before the movie started...we 3 just went around Gurney...ermm...scoping chicks? Who knows..hhehe..
Anyways...there was this bunch of girls in white uniform...Nurses? Yeah..that was I thought at 1st...Turns out they were beauticians....Nice...
They were walking behind us and that's when I wished I knew how to speak and listen to Chinese...
They were all babling in Chinese...God Dammn...Who knows what they were talking about...Well...this was the conversation I presumed that was going on...

Girl 1 :- yadda yadda yadda...Wooo...Check out that sexy hunk in front....
Girl 2 :- bla bla bla...Which 1?
Girl 3 :- yack yack yack....All 3 la...especially that guy in blue shirt and black pants....Very nice...
Girl 4 :- crap crap crap...I'll take any of them anytime..anyday...

Hmmm...I'll leave it to you to find out who's in blue shirt and black pants..hahhahahahaa.....

Anyways moving on...while heading home, we saw a Silver Proton Saga which drove past us...
Usually it'd just be another car but the driver was a chick(not confirmed yet) with long hair and in spaghetti straps...

Me :- Step on it Zack....Chun chick!!
Zack :- Chun chick chun chick!! *Puts the pedal to the metal and starts chasing the Saga*
Yan :- Go man GO!!

Me :- Getting closer man...
Zack :- *accelerating and maneuvaring his car*
Yan :- Nearer...nearer.....

Zack's car nearing the Saga and finally got a full view...

Me :- Chewwwww....
Zack :- What the FARK.....
Yan :- .................

Uh-huh....As you can tell from our reaction it was just another disappointment...Oh well...back to home I guess...

And that's the 16th of February in a nutshell...Till next time....Cheerio...

Angel on right shoulder :- You actually thought they're(beauticians) are talking bout you ar?
Me :- Why not? God knows what they're talking about...
Devil on left shoulder :- Hmmm...I'd take Girl 1 and Girl 3....Fiuuuu Fit(whistling to girls)...Hey mama....
Me :- Kanneh...Look at this fellow...
Angel on right shoulder :- when they say horny devil..memang pun horny devil la....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Constantine isn't that bad. Look at the bright side, no more the Architect or Oracle (The Matrix) trying to sound smart. Haha. Are you that guy those chicks are talking about?

9:08 AM  
Blogger slacker said...

hahaha..wut's up wut's up? neh..i din say constantine was bad..Just that i was lost half the time, trying 2 figure out who's the bad guy? was is satan? was it satan's son? was it gabriel? fuuhhh...chim

yeah..hahaha...u figured it out...but of cos it was just made up..fuhh...chicks think i'm sexy? in my dreams man..hahhaha

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEA!! nurses outfit? wat the hell is wrong with those shops nowadays?? BREAD HIS-tory oso same
the cashier oso in nurses outfit. anyway i like it!!! YUMMY!!! MUAHAHAHHA, watch out those hot mama nurses out there!! PAPA midnite is here for uuuuuu. WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!

10:08 AM  
Blogger slacker said...

ahhh...bro...u sick man..hhahahaha..but wat the hell...i love nurses too..i'm just as sick!!...arrgghhh!! hahahahaha...yum yum!!! ahhhhhhhh.......

10:13 AM  

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