I'mma in China man....weeee...no shit, serious...
I've been here since January and I'll probably be here for another 2 years plus...
You know the feeling you get when you enter a foreign country??
You know.......the culture differences...the people...the language...the language and the language??
Man I've dropped shit on the Chinese people in Kay Elle before and I'mma gonna drop a whole load more crap...
You see...after the ending of a very terrible and traumatic first sem in uni, I had told myself, "Dude...you gots to learn up mandarin man...or at least...make do like you actually understand what the fuck these people are saying...nod your head at whatever shit they're spitting out...you don't really care what they say...Dude...learn up mandarin...or yous gonna gets pawned"
So I went back to uni for the start of the 2nd sem which was just right after the New Year...All went well...Yes...I still have no freaking clue what people are trying to say...and I still don't care. But being the paranoid bastard that I am, I keep getting the chills...you know...the feeling you get when someone spits something in Chinese and you realise that that asshole might just be stabbing you in the back? Yeah...I've been having this feeling for the past few weeks...no idea why...and suddenly...this place feels like China. You walk to a bunch of friends :- MANDARIN...another bunch of friends:-MANDARIN...walk to the canteen uncle:-MANDARIN....to the kopi tiam outside:- MANDARIN...It's China I tell you...it's freaking China...nobody speaks any other language except mandarin...
Pissed...and today...I got a surprise from somebody...It's all in Chinese...I wouldn't have given a fuck but then...check it out :-

A friend of mine told me it was some loan-shark shit...I've taken the liberty to blacken out the number...just in case these bastards tak rak syok that I advertised for them on the net...
On the back of the card....No shit Sherlock...Thanx for figuring the obvious...Money is indeed a problem....
Now do you people believe me when I say I'm in China?? Their English suck so much balls...I would have corrected their English and make them sound more professional...all they need to pay me was just a box of cigarettes...
More news...I've moved in to a new place...all's great...I have a wonderful room...with windows...directly beside the common corridor...which is used by just about every other asshole living on the same floor. Now what's fucked up is that these people just can't shut the hell up...they have to walk around shouting and screaming and you've guessed it right...in mandarin. So it's like you're sleeping and you're having a dream about getting laid by some Jap pr0n star(it's pr0n now...not porn) but then these young fucks start walking past your window speaking some unknown crap...waking you up...getting you pissed...and you'll be having your shit ruined for the rest of the day.
Oh and 1 more thing...In China(or Kay Elle if you like to call it) they make probably the worst sundae cones in the whole friggin universe...The sundae cones here suck shit...serious...you'd walk into Mc'D...hoping for a sundae cone that looks like...
but instead...you get something that looks just about like this...

Now ain't that the shittiest sundae cone you've ever seen in your life?? I swear...I didn't do shit to that disaster of a sundae cone...I just bit off the top...sad indeed...I paid RM1.50 plus tax for a pile of horse shit...Oh well...being a chocolate top sundae cone...I still finished it...cause everybody knows chocolate top sundae cones kick so much ass...
peace out...
current feeling:- down but glad that my mild sevens are here to accompany me...
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