another 1 about UTAR...
So finally...after 3 months of holidays...I'll be going back to KL for my 2nd sem in uni...After hearing stories from friends in various local universities, all I can say about UTAR(the uni I'm in now) is that it will never even come close to the other local universities in terms of facilities and...well...just about everything. I felt so damn inferior whenever my friends mention how awesome their unis were...I was digging deep within myself to actually come up with something good to say about my uni...Man...
Okay...I wanted to give a little credit to I started searching their website for anything good that they might have...Let's start off with...the logo maybe?? The pic below depicts some logos of a couple of local universities...

Pretty...aren't they??

Ladies and gents I'm proud(NOT!) to present to you the logo of UTAR!!

uh huh..yeah... uni logo...wonderful isn't it??
I wonder what would my grand kids say...
Grandkid :- Ah kong...why your uni standard 1?
Oh...and like all other uni logo comes with a set of well...explanations too :-
-Blue, yellow and red, being the national colours reflect the Malaysian identity of the institution.(YOU FORGOT WHITE)
-The letter 'A' in auspicious red gives it prominence, suggesting distinction and excellence in the education provided by UTAR. Red also signals success, prosperity and protection from negative forces.(THE LAST SENTENCE WAS SOOOOOOO MADE UP BY A CHINESE...I MEAN...PROTECTION FROM NEGATIVE FORCES??? WHAT ARE YOU?? FENG SHUI MASTER??)
-The swing of the bold stroke signifies a 'yes', a mark of enthusiastic approval and the right choice.<<<----(IF THEY HAD NEVER MENTIONED ABOUT THAT BOLD STROKE THINGY I WOULD NEVER HAVE GUESSED IT WAS JUST ANOTHER NIKE RIP-OFF...WOW...BOLD STROKE INDEED)
-The cascade of six lines, three on each side symbolizes the five Faculties and one Institute offering a comprehensive range of courses and research.(CURRENTLY...THERE'RE ONLY 3 FACULTIES)
-The seventh line, the tail of the backbone stroke, represents the holistic aspect of education: character development, community-building and healthy living. Together, the holistic and the academic propel UTAR into a future filled with great promise and unlimited opportunities.(NO SHIT, GENIUS)
Man...even Tar college has it's own logo...which is quite sad really...Heck even my high school has a nicer logo...and everyone knows the Saints' logo kicks ass....heck...everything about the Saints kick ass...
Let's move on to the next agenda...Sports and Recreation!!! Some of you might be expecting me to mention stuff like indoor swimming pools...or basketball courts...or tennis courts...or heck...even a soccer make our money's worth(RM30k for a course)...maybe a pool table...'re wrong...cause what my faculty have is....


Picture too small?? I'll mention it then...
-Chinese chess
-International chess
and the mother of all recreational activities...
-Hula Hoops........................Holy shit!!!...Hula Hoopsssssss....Man...who the hell plays with hula hoops?? god damn!
No mention about a swimming pool cause there's none...
Not a word about basketball or tennis courts cause there's...well...none...
And to think that you pay RM 30, 000 for a 3 year course and they only give you hula hoops to play with...dammit...hula hoops??? HULA HOOPS????!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!!???!!??!
What the FU--
It's like I go to the office and :-
Me :- Hey got like anything to do around here??
Lady :- can access the internet at our ultra modern computer labs
Me :- I mean like outdoor stuff...any balls we can play with?? ..........besides ours of course......
Lady :- No...but we got a couple of hula hoops for you...interested???
Me :- No, bitch...I'm not interested in your hula hoops!!!! WTF is a hula hoop anyway?? DAMN!!!!
But matter how bad the uni may be, there's bound to be something good too...and that's the people in it...My newfound friends...Sure we may come from different parts of Malaysia but when we sit down together at a table in the's like...I've known them for years...chit-chatting while eating...ermm...some kind of food(you see...paying 30k for a course, you'd expect a wide selection of food...but noooooooooooooooo...)
Oh...did I mention we have 10 computer labs...with 3 of them having PCs with internet access and...30 PCs in each lab...That brings the number of internet-accessable PCs to a grand total of WOW!!! I COULD HARDLY BELIEVE IT!!! 90!! Now that's "a lot" of PCs...considering it's the Faculty of Engineering and Science and internet-ready PCs are important to us for researches and stuff...or in my access MSN...and also not to mention that the student population is roughly...I said ROUGHLY...2000...Yeah...only 2000...what did you expect?? It's a new uni and nobody has graduated from it yet...No...I'm serious...
So hor...I really hope no UTAR big shots read this entry...or I would have my ass kicked out of uni very soon...Even if I did get my ass kicked out of uni...let's hope that they start to realise their mistake...or in this case ignorance and start to pay more attention in improving the uni...I mean like dude..RM30k? That's like 10 times more expensive than a local government uni...I know I'm stupid for not getting to enter a government uni but that doesn't mean you can suck out 30k of our cash...Oh...and just in case you bigshots wanna know about your uni's's an excerpt :-
Aunt1 :- Ah Boy...What uni you studying at now??
Me :- UTAR
Aunt1 :- Oh.................(long silence)................UTAR hor...
Aunt2 :- Ah Boy...What uni you studying at now??
Me :- ***Ultimate lie*** UM lohhhh
Aunt2 :- WAHHHHHHH....UM AH....YOU SO CLEVER!!!! see the different reactions???
So to UTAR.......
buck up weyyyyyyyyy.....
and no...I still can't get over the fact that they offer hula hoops as a recreational activity...HULA HOOOOOOOOOOOOPS????????? ARGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What the heck.. negative forces.. HAHAHAHAHA.. siau man... and it really sounds so Chinese.. hahahaha...
yeah....I'm study in KUTPM with hope in mind that some big shot of my college will realise how to improve their facilities and logo instead of painting building with new color...
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