I'm good at art and you know it...
I was surfing the internet when I found a few pictures which really deserve a special mention...
I couldn't help but make fun of the pictures...
Please don't start telling me that I'm mean or bad(you pussies..)...
I'm just having fun...

So who's the crack now eh???
When I first saw this picture I was like "why the fuck you showing the Nazi salute in front of the chick?"
I was pissed because wise guy here had actually blocked out any chance of viewing the chick's jugs..good move man...now why don't you bugger off??.
Plus the guy looked like he was on crack...**sniffffffff**...fucking cocaine smoker...
If I were there I would had sucker punched the guy in the throat and run away with the girl...
And if the girl starts to scream for help, I'll superkick her mouth right off her face...
So what more can I do than to lend him a favour by directing the word "crack" towards himself...
Now the picture looks perfect because he's now showing us what he REALLY is....THE CRACK...'nuff said...

I actually pissed in my pants when I first saw this picture...
I did the world a favour by blacking out her tits because truth be told...she has 1 of the most(if not...most) ugliest tits I've ever seen....
I mean...Jesus...my neighbour's dog has better looking tits than her...and the mutt has 6 of them!!
I'm serious...check out the guy on the right...
He looks like he's gonna barf out the night's tom-yam bihun on the girl(run bitch...run...)
Plus she was looking at the camera with such intensity that I thought she was going to crawl out of my PC screen(like a certain ghost that crawls out of TV sets....go figure...)...
Notice the red eyes??? Now that's scary shiat...

The red eye effect on the girl on the right is soooooooo bad that she actually looked like she had laser vision....
I belive this photo was taken 5 minutes before that girl actually drank that piss-look-alike drink they call wine and zapped the 2 faggots with her laser vision...**zapppp zapppppppppppppp**
To the girl in the centre:- Nice titties....

This is nothing but the work of the devil himself...
Who in their freaking minds would actually shake their ass in front of a chick's face??
It just doesn't make sense...
So the chick is interested to have a dance with you...
You don't turn around and shake your booty(I feel sick...) in her face while looking like you're gonna shit out last Thursday's dinner(way to go asshole...)
I can only imagine the look on the chick's face if he actually DID shit out last Thursday's dinner...
It will be the classic "oh my god...you shatted on me you fat fuck" look...
What about the girl??
Good thinking genius..you picked out someone with a damned constipated look on his face....
Why not shove your face in between his ass while you're at it??
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