12th of February in a nutshell...bad bad accident...
On the way to my place, aunty had a very bad accident today...
She was about to turn into the road leading to my house when a van overtook her...
As a result, a collision occured...
Aunty's car had minor damage but the van unfortunately lost control and went off into the opposite lane...
It then rammed through 2 driveways, a tree and a water pipe...before crashing into the wall of a house...
The van was 100 metres away from my Aunty's car after the collision...Just imagine how fast the van was going...
I think the pics below would be a better explanation...
Purple box = Van
Blue box = Aunty
Blue line = Where Aunty's car stopped
Gray line = Where Aunty was supposed to be heading
Purple line = Van overtaking Aunty and where it landed after the collision
Orange boxes = driveways
Green circles with brown lines = tree
Green line = where the tree landed
Red box = water pipe
Light blue boxes = houses

kindergarten drawings....

aunty's car...poor little kancil...

close up...

the van...sorry...had to blank off company name and license number..

van at the back...and the burst water pipe...notice the brownish line in the centre..that's the tree bark..

driver's side of van...note the steering wheel and dashboard...

where the tree landed(on the left of pic)...and my dad posing...hahaha...

In the end...no one was seriously hurt....
Anyways....Me and my conscience would like to share a moment of silence...........................................
for the poor poor vehicles involved....they will be missed....*sniff sniff* *sob sob*...Cheerio...
Angel on right shoulder :- *silence* ...........
Me :- *silence* .........
Devil on left shoulder :- *silence* ........
Me :- *silence*....Poooooooooooooooooootttt(fart)....Ehem...Excusay moi(Excuse me in French I think)
Angel and Devil on both shoulders :-Kanineh...Chow chee baiiiiiiiiiiii.............
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