Queue jumpers a.k.a. F*ckers...PART 2
Was on my usual drive around....as you can see from the lousy illustrations below.. some ass-crack tried to jump queue...
All the cars were queueing up with patience but this fella decided to do shit...He overtook my car(DAMN!!) and squeezed himself right next to a Proton Saga...enough crap...I'll let the pics do the talking...
Red box = guilty as charged...Red Ssangyong Rexton...PFT 2897...whole family in car...driven by male
Blue box = Proton Saga...unfortunate car who was being squeezed by the Rexton...
Black box = my car...saw everything...haha..got the pic too...
Orange line = Fencing...Blue box nearly scratched fencing...
Light blue box = Traffic from opposite direction...
Purple box = oncoming traffic...honked at Rexton...

Hmm...Still need some work on my art

Look how close the Saga is to the fencing...

Another example of shit drivers in Malaysia...Till next time...Cheerio...
Angel on my right shoulder :- I'm proud of you son...You didn't lose your temper and do shit to the Rexton...
Me :- I feel useless for not teaching that bastard a lesson lar...
Devil on my left shoulder :- I agree man...You should have tailgated him...forced him to stop at the road side...and beat the shit out of him in front of his family....
Me :- No shit man! If his whole family gang up on me how?
Angel and Devil on both shoulders :- Then you're screwed!! Run like hell la pundek!!!
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