Saturday, January 29, 2005

Of friendster and such

Ahh....Friendster...The website where one searches for their friends and friend's friends...and so on la
Are people actually using Friendster to keep in touch with their friends...OR....

is it actually a popularity contest? hmmm? The more friends the more popular you are?
I have seen some with 20 accounts...and as far as I know...1 account holds about 500 friends
So let's do the simple maths thing and 20 x 500 = 10 000
10 000 friends? your blardy dreams pal.....

I bet its the same 500 who added through your 20 accounts
So hey...Guess i just have to get 500 friends and ask them to add me through 20-30 accounts
"Weeeeee.....i'm popular!!! Just another 400 friends more to go..Weeeeee!!"


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